Spotify Dashboard

Streams Sound

Change in Audio Features Over Time

Filter by decade or view entire time period (1920-present) to view audio feature changes over time.

Audio features include acousticness, danceability, energy, instrumentalness, liveness, speechiness, and valance. To learn more about the audio features, visit the Glossary Page. There is a decrease in acousticness between 1960 and 1970 and an increase in energy and danceability. There are several peaks in speechiness and instrumentalness from 1920 through 1950 then it appears to flatten out.

Audio Feature Correlations

Hover over the heatmap to see the strength of the correlation by value. Those colored with yellow are of the strongest correlation while dark purple displays the weakest.

Slight positive correlation between instrumentalness and acousticness, energy and danceability. Slight negative correlation between danceability and acousticness, instrumentalness and danceability. Negative correlation between energy and acousticness, speechiness and energy, and energy and instumentalness.

No strong correlations between valence and acousticness, danceability, energy, liveness, or speechiness. No strong correlations between speechiness and acousticness, danceability, instrumentalness, liveness, valence.

Relationships between Audio Features

Change the x-axis to see how additional audio features relate to popularity by year.

From the 1960s through 2000 there is a positive correlation between danceability and popularity. From 2000 through today it appears that danceability has become less popular. 2021 appears to be an outlier possibly due to the year not being completed.

From the mid 1950s through today there is a positive correlation between energy and popularity. 2021 also appears to be an outlier.

No strong correlation between popularity and valance. There appears to be a cluster of data points in the middle of the graphe and a cluster with very low popularity but a range of valence values.